Wednesday, March 19, 2008

A visit from my friend. Flat Joscie.

She arrived today.. Hope her trip wasn't too bumpy. Looks like her ears stopped bleeding from spending a few weeks with Luv2talk! (wink)

I have a few plans for this girl. A trip to my LSS, Hobby Lobby, Super Jo's, Michaels, and Archivers all in say.. an hour and a half. Then maybe to the museum to see some GOLD and a quick trip to the book store, and maybe a soccer game in there somewhere. Definitely.. The mountains for sure. Wow... she'll be exhausted when she leaves Colorado.


  1. Don't wear her out!!! She is coming to see me next. :)

  2. Poor Joscie, first Leslie's chatter and now all your running around. She'll have bleeding feet when this time is over. I should have her next and give her a little rest. But do be polite and introduce her to the management at HL. Afte all, they will want to meet their best customer's flat friend! Gloria

  3. i hear she's coming to visit me next month sometime. hope you two have fun together... treat her right... she's just been with leslie... lol!

  4. wow that's awesome!!!!!!! she's going to have a blast!

  5. Why do I resemble all these comments????? I took her to a CKC....ON LEAP YEAR DAY! Does it get any better than that????

    Enjoy your journey, Flat Joscie, but I fear you've already experienced "THE BEST" :)
